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Text File  |  1991-06-17  |  5KB  |  506 lines

  1. %-------cut here and add with heading for closing bracket of \patterns{..}---
  2.     % Patterns for increased Hyphenation Pattern Memory (say 12000).
  3.     % Cannot be used with standard TeX versions.
  4.     % Can be used with PCTeX from Personal TeX version 3.0.
  5.     % Hyphenation trie becomes 7192 with 377 ops.
  6.     % These patterns are based on the Hyphenation Exception Log
  7.     % published in TUGboat, Volume 10 (1989), No. 3, pp. 337-341,
  8.     % and a large number of bad hyphened words not yet published.
  9.     % If added to Liang's before the closing bracket } of \patterns,
  10.     % the patterns run errorfree as far as known at this moment.
  11.     % Patterns  find all admissible hyphens of the words in
  12.     % the Exception Log.
  13.     % Can be used freely for non-commercial purposes.
  14.     % Copyright 1990 G.D.C. Kuiken. Patterns made March 1, 1990.
  15. .con5gr
  16. .de5riva
  17. .dri5v4
  18. .eth1y6l1
  19. .eu4ler
  20. .ev2
  21. .ever5si5b
  22. .ga4s1om1
  23. .ge4ome
  24. .ge5ot1
  25. .he3mo1
  26. .he3p6a
  27. .he3roe
  28. .in5u2t
  29. .kil2n3i
  30. .ko6r1te1
  31. .le6ices
  32. .me4ga1l
  33. .met4ala
  34. .mim5i2c1
  35. .mi1s4ers
  36. .ne6o3f
  37. .noe1th
  38. .non1e2m
  39. .poly1s
  40. .post1am
  41. .pre1am
  42. .rav5en1o
  43. .semi5
  44. .sem4ic
  45. .semid6
  46. .semip4
  47. .semir4
  48. .sem6is4
  49. .semiv4
  50. .sph6in1
  51. .spin1o
  52. .ta5pes1tr
  53. .te3legr
  54. .to6pog
  55. .to2q
  56. .un3at5t
  57. .un5err5
  58. .vi2c3ar
  59. .we2b1l
  60. .re1e4c
  61. a5bolic
  62. a2cabl
  63. af6fish
  64. am1en3ta5b
  65. anal6ys
  66. ano5a2c
  67. ans5gr
  68. ans3v
  69. anti1d
  70. an3ti1n2
  71. anti1re
  72. a4pe5able
  73. ar3che5t
  74. ar2range
  75. as5ymptot
  76. ath3er1o1s
  77. at6tes.
  78. augh4tl
  79. au5li5f
  80. av3iou
  81. back2er.
  82. ba6r1onie
  83. ba1thy
  84. bbi4t
  85. be2vie
  86. bi5d2if
  87. bil2lab
  88. bio5m
  89. bi1orb
  90. bio1rh
  91. b1i3tive
  92. blan2d1
  93. blin2d1
  94. blon2d2
  95. bor1no5
  96. bo2t1u1l
  97. brus4q
  98. bus6i2er
  99. bus6i2es
  100. buss4ing
  101. but2ed.
  102. but4ted
  103. cad5e1m
  104. cat1a1s2
  105. 4chs.
  106. chs3hu
  107. chie5vo
  108. cig3a3r
  109. cin2q
  110. cle4ar
  111. co6ph1o3n
  112. cous2ti
  113. cri3tie
  114. croc1o1d
  115. cro5e2co
  116. c2tro3me6c
  117. 1cu2r1ance
  118. 2d3alone
  119. data1b
  120. dd5a5b
  121. d2d5ib
  122. de4als.
  123. de5clar1
  124. de2c5lina
  125. de3fin3iti
  126. de2mos
  127. des3ic
  128. de2tic
  129. dic1aid
  130. dif5fra
  131. 3di1methy
  132. di2ren
  133. di2rer
  134. 2d1lead
  135. 2d1li2e
  136. 3do5word
  137. dren1a5l
  138. drif2t1a
  139. d1ri3pleg5
  140. drom3e5d
  141. d3tab
  142. du2al.
  143. du1op1o1l
  144. ea4n3ies
  145. e3chas
  146. edg1l
  147. ed1uling
  148. eli2t1is
  149. e1loa
  150. en1dix
  151. eo3grap
  152. 1e6p3i3neph1
  153. e2r3i4an.
  154. e3spac6i
  155. eth1y6l1ene
  156. 5eu2clid1
  157. feb1rua
  158. fermi1o
  159. 3fich
  160. fit5ted.
  161. fla1g6el
  162. flow2er.
  163. 3fluor
  164. gen2cy.
  165. ge3o1d
  166. ght1we
  167. g1lead
  168. get2ic.
  169. 4g1lish
  170. 5glo5bin
  171. 1g2nac
  172. gnet1ism
  173. gno5mo
  174. g2n1or.
  175. g2noresp
  176. 2g1o4n3i1za
  177. graph5er.
  178. griev1
  179. g1utan
  180. hair1s
  181. ha2p3ar5r
  182. hatch1
  183. hex2a3
  184. hite3sid
  185. h3i5pel1a4
  186. hnau3z
  187. ho6r1ic.
  188. h2t1eou
  189. hypo1tha
  190. id4ios
  191. ifac1et
  192. ign4it
  193. ignit1er
  194. i4jk
  195. im3ped3a
  196. infra1s2
  197. i5nitely.
  198. irre6v3oc
  199. i1tesima
  200. ith5i2l
  201. itin5er5ar
  202. janu3a
  203. japan1e2s
  204. je1re1m
  205. 1ke6ling
  206. 1ki5netic
  207. 1kovian
  208. k3sha
  209. la4c3i5e
  210. lai6n3ess
  211. lar5ce1n
  212. l3chai
  213. l3chil6d1
  214. lead6er.
  215. lea4s1a
  216. 1lec3ta6b
  217. le3g6en2dre
  218. 1le1noid
  219. lith1o5g
  220. ll1fl
  221. l2l3ish
  222. l5mo3nell
  223. lo1bot1o1
  224. lo2ges.
  225. load4ed.
  226. load6er.
  227. l3tea
  228. lth5i2ly
  229. lue1p
  230. 1lunk3er
  231. 1lum5bia.
  232. 3lyg1a1mi
  233. ly5styr
  234. ma1la1p
  235. m2an.
  236. man3u1sc
  237. mar1gin1
  238. medi2c
  239. med3i3cin
  240. medio6c1
  241. me3gran3
  242. m2en.
  243. 3mi3da5b
  244. 3milita
  245. mil2l1ag
  246. mil5li5li
  247. mi6n3is.
  248. mi1n2ut1er
  249. mi1n2ut1est
  250. m3ma1b
  251. 5maph1ro1
  252. 5moc1ra1t
  253. mo5e2las
  254. mol1e5c
  255. mon4ey1l
  256. mono3ch
  257. mo4no1en
  258. moro6n5is
  259. mono1s6
  260. moth4et2
  261. m1ou3sin
  262. m5shack2
  263. mu2dro
  264. mul2ti5u
  265. n3ar4chs.
  266. n3ch2es1t
  267. ne3back
  268. 2ne1ski
  269. n1dieck
  270. nd3thr
  271. nfi6n3ites
  272. 4n5i4an.
  273. nge5nes
  274. ng1ho
  275. ng1spr
  276. nk3rup
  277. n5less
  278. 5noc3er1os
  279. nom1a6l
  280. nom5e1no
  281. n1o1mist
  282. non1eq
  283. non1i4so
  284. 5nop1oly.
  285. no1vemb
  286. ns5ceiv
  287. ns4moo
  288. ntre1p
  289. obli2g1
  290. o3chas
  291. odel3li
  292. odit1ic
  293. oerst2
  294. oke1st
  295. o3les3ter
  296. oli3gop1o1
  297. o1lo3n4om
  298. o3mecha6
  299. onom1ic
  300. o3norma
  301. o3no2t1o3n
  302. o3nou
  303. op1ism.
  304. or4tho3ni4t
  305. orth1ri
  306. or5tively
  307. o4s3pher
  308. o5test1er
  309. o5tes3tor
  310. oth3e1o1s
  311. ou3ba3do
  312. o6v3i4an.
  313. oxi6d1ic
  314. pal6mat
  315. parag6ra4
  316. par4a1le
  317. param4
  318. para3me
  319. pee2v1
  320. phi2l3ant
  321. phi5lat1e3l
  322. pi2c1a3d
  323. pli2c1ab
  324. pli5nar
  325. poin3ca
  326. 1pole.
  327. poly1e
  328. po3lyph1ono
  329. 1prema3c
  330. pre1neu
  331. pres2pli
  332. pro2cess
  333. proc3i3ty.
  334. pro2g1e
  335. 3pseu2d
  336. pseu3d6o3d2
  337. pseu3d6o3f2
  338. pto3mat4
  339. p5trol3
  340. pu5bes5c
  341. quain2t1e
  342. qu6a3si3
  343. quasir6
  344. quasis6
  345. quin5tes5s
  346. qui3v4ar
  347. r1abolic
  348. 3rab1o1loi
  349. ra3chu
  350. r3a3dig
  351. radi1o6g
  352. r2amen
  353. 3ra4m5e1triz
  354. ra3mou
  355. ra5n2has
  356. ra1or
  357. r3bin1ge
  358. re2c3i1pr
  359. rec5t6ang
  360. re4t1ribu
  361. r3ial.
  362. riv1o1l
  363. 6rk.
  364. rk1ho
  365. r1krau
  366. 6rks.
  367. r5le5qu
  368. ro1bot1
  369. ro5e2las
  370. ro5epide1
  371. ro3mesh
  372. ro1tron
  373. r3pau5li
  374. rse1rad1i
  375. r1thou
  376. r1treu
  377. r1veil
  378. rz1sc
  379. sales3c
  380. sales5w
  381. 5sa3par5il
  382. sca6p1er
  383. sca2t1ol
  384. s4chitz
  385. schro1ding1
  386. 1sci2utt
  387. scrap4er.
  388. scy4th1
  389. sem1a1ph
  390. se3mes1t
  391. se1mi6t5ic
  392. sep3temb
  393. shoe1st
  394. sid2ed.
  395. side5st
  396. side5sw
  397. si5resid
  398. sky1sc
  399. 3slova1kia
  400. 3s2og1a1my
  401. so2lute
  402. 3s2pace
  403. 1s2pacin
  404. spe3cio
  405. spher1o
  406. spi2c1il
  407. spokes5w
  408. sports3c
  409. sports3w
  410. s3qui3to
  411. s2s1a3chu1
  412. ss3hat
  413. s2s3i4an.
  414. s5sign5a3b
  415. 1s2tamp
  416. s2t1ant5shi
  417. star3tli
  418. sta1ti
  419. st5b
  420. 1stor1ab
  421. strat1a1g
  422. strib5ut
  423. st5scr
  424. stu1pi4d1
  425. styl1is
  426. su2per1e6
  427. 1sync
  428. 1syth3i2
  429. swimm6
  430. 5tab1o1lism
  431. ta3gon.
  432. talk1a5
  433. t1a1min
  434. t6ap6ath
  435. 5tar2rh
  436. tch1c
  437. tch3i1er
  438. t1cr
  439. teach4er.
  440. tele2g
  441. tele1r6o
  442. 3ter1gei
  443. ter2ic.
  444. t3ess2es
  445. tha4l1am
  446. tho3don
  447. th1o5gen1i
  448. tho1k2er
  449. thy4l1an
  450. thy3sc
  451. 2t3i4an.
  452. ti2n3o1m
  453. t1li2er
  454. tolo2gy
  455. tot3ic
  456. trai3tor1
  457. tra1vers
  458. travers3a3b
  459. treach1e
  460. tr4ial.
  461. 3tro1le1um
  462. trof4ic.
  463. tro3fit
  464. tro1p2is
  465. 3trop1o5les
  466. 3trop1o5lis
  467. t1ro1pol3it
  468. tsch3ie
  469. ttrib1ut1
  470. turn3ar
  471. t1wh
  472. ty2p5al
  473. ua3drati
  474. uad1ratu
  475. u5do3ny
  476. uea1m
  477. u2r1al.
  478. uri4al.
  479. us2er.
  480. v1ativ
  481. v1oir5du1
  482. va6guer
  483. vaude3v
  484. 1verely.
  485. v1er1eig
  486. ves1tite
  487. vi1vip3a3r
  488. voice1p
  489. waste3w6a2
  490. wave1g4
  491. w3c
  492. week1n
  493. wide5sp
  494. wo4k1en
  495. wrap3aro
  496. writ6er.
  497. x1q
  498. xquis3
  499. y5che3d
  500. ym5e5try
  501. y1stro
  502. yes5ter1y
  503. z3ian.
  504. z3o1phr
  505. z2z3w